H Y P N O S has now been downloaded over 600 times! Not bad for just a few months of access. Here's the latest news. A new cover! Very nearly done with perfectionist grammar and dialouge edits! The second edition is going to be boss. Sort of makes me wish that I had never released the first. Here's what I learned in that time.
Don't go all black with a cover background. Makes the thumbnail look atrocious on multiple devices.
Don't use a pen-name. Too confusing, too time consuming, makes searches harder for your purchasers. Just ditched mine. It's Hypnos by Alexis M. Lewis all the way now.
Do have facebook contests for promotional purposes, it's fun, it's easy and it lets you give something back to your loyal fanbase while drawing in a new audiance.
Don't under-estimate your works own worth. My final edition will be going up in price to $4.99. Now that it's been launched I realize that people who download for free or for a couple dollars aren't all that invested in passing the word along or returning to review the peice. Contests not freebie's, that's my new motto.
Half the price of the same genre and length in printed form seems more than fair.
Isn't it prettier now?
My next projects to tackle:
Spending some serious time with the Goodreads platform.
Creatin a 'creatspace' version for purchasers.
Attempting to stay on top of all the electronic media platforms I'm already engaged in.
In mid-December my original contract expires so it'll finally be time to get my novel into B&N and (fingers crossed) iTunes.
Still haven't decided whether to go with Smashwords or Lulu. Hmmm.
Happy Writing! =)
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